Tokenized bonds to meet $ 1 trillion in 2028: Report

Tokenized bonds will be a 1 trillion market of $ 1 trillion in 2028, the latest report on the future of asset coinage has claimed.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency market overview 2025“Through research and markets noted that the blockchain sector had registered explosive growth in 2024, reinforced by ETFs, Election of Donald Trump in the United States And improve regulatory clarity.

By 2024, the number of digital asset owners had increased 30% compared to the previous year to hit 560 million, the report revealed. Emerging markets led growth, with South America And Oceania appears as the fastest growing hubs. According to the report, most digital assemblies are speculators and Hodlerswith 65% of “crypto” holders “who adopt a long-term buy-and-hold strategy.”

In addition to speculation, the report said that tokenization remains the blockchain application with the highest potential. It projects as tokenized bonds, in particular, will hit $ 1 trillion by 2028.

Three weeks into 2025, some large banks have already announced landmark -tokenization efforts. In Singapore, the second largest bank, OCBC, announced A new solution that allows customers to tokenize business assets and sell them to accredited investors. The solution would lower the minimum investment from $ 183,000 to $ 730.

American finance company Northern Trust (Nasdaq: ntrs) also recently announced that it will be launched tokenized green bonds for the National University of Singapore later this year.

Even in China, where the government has long banned digital assets, tokenization is root. Recently, Zhuhai Huafa Group, a Chinese state holding company, Issued A $ 190 million digital bond on HSBC Orion Blockchain platform. The bond will be available to Chinese clients through Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX) and international investors through Euroclear and Clearstream.

The EU is also suspended to play an important role in the tokenization industry, with Mica that lays the foundation on the regulatory front. On Monday, EU finance ministers met to further discuss tokenization and how the region can promote local solutions in the midst of steep competition from Asian and American companies.

The bond market has been the largest market for tokenization. However, the technology can be applied to almost all other sectors. In a new interview, Mastercards have (Nasdaq: MA) Chief Digital Officer, Pablo Fourez, revealed The payment giant is trying to tokenize all online payments by 2030 to eliminate the need for card numbers, passwords and codes, which is a sanctuary for crime.

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